
Time to put the kettle on

It's a view certainly.

And despite thinking major media types knocking spots off each other (I don't count this blog as 'major', so feel being still able to refer to others' writings with a cranked eyebrow as legitimate) is an exercise in all sorts of counter-productive things (such spats seldom progress, or end, well), and hence don't see much point in weighing in on the thread (don't want to get labelled 'Right-wing' just by association), it still seems worth keeping a log of here.

Polly Toynbee will never understand Right-wing bloggers

If only because I have a sneaking feeling our Polly, and those like her, not only would get rid of all bloggers from the right if they could, but also those of a fiercely independent bent, too.

So in this case, at least, the critic of my critics is my friend.

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