
Aunty adds a final straw

The BBC is stout in its defence of 'edgy' humour.

Which is what I use to encourage them to ponder their often selective reporting and editorial.

You'd think Newsnight might have mentioned the Glenrothes election in advance, to help them form a view, a bit like the saturation coverage of the US version they seemed to prefer, and still do, over anything closer to home.

So when the first post that wasn't totally US-centric appeared, I pounced:

1.5% worth of humble pie?

Might Glenrothes get a mention, too?

I know it's just an election pertinent to the UK, but as it's also an indicator on a section of the public's views on the competencies of those best placed to help us manage the downturn (I thought 'recession' was non grata - sorry, Bournemouth Council - off limits?), it might rate some coverage.

Even if it is 'once the dust has settled'.

Don't want any voters get silly ideas in advance, do we?

Oh look, a puppy!

Unfortunately, 'This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the House Rules.'

There are several vague 'catch-alls', but I suspect this is the one they will use:

Are considered to be off-topic for the particular message board

Very Hitchhikers Guide. Especially for a post that is trying to point out that the message board has had no topics about the UK for long enough.


They have been warned:

Dear Mods,

Refer away. But you better have a pretty darn good reason not to approve that post eventually.

Otherwise I will have to presume Hazel Blears has found the prefect test bed from within her party's media comfort zone.

Addendum: I now have a reason, if not a very good excuse:

Thank you for contributing to a BBC Blog. Unfortunately we've had to remove your content below

This post has been removed because special House Rules are in effect during Polling Day. In common with other media organisation the BBC does not discuss elections while the polls are open and users of the BBC website must also abide by these rules.

Telegraph - Hazel Blears, bloggers and professional politics -

From the 'Paranoia is knowing they are out to get you' files, a Macbethian (aka 'The Scottish Play' to those of superstitious thespian bent) tale of caution, with a bonus for any who appreciate the Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy.

After wall to wall US 'news' up to and including today, to the exclusion of all else, I had cause to ponder on the Newsnight blog what else might get a mention, such as Glenrothes.

Seems special 'House Rules are in effect during Polling Days'.

So... nothing discussed that isn't fancied before, can't during, and only the possibility of passing reference afterwards, unless it works out better than expected, in which case it will doubtless be top of the news for days.

Where's a Vogon Constructor Fleet when you need one?

I'd say what is being discussed is already here, with the enthusiastic support of some media who seem to have decided where their loyalties lie.

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