
Do unto others...

I read this...

British voters 'turned off' by media hype and cynical blogs

So I went to this...

Not Nihilistic, Realistic

And read this....

'...after being tipped off that she was going to attack Guido in a speech later today to the Hansard Society. Guido also called the Hansard Society to arrange to attend the speech. He was told it was a closed meeting. The subject of the meeting, ironically, is political disengagement.'

There are many things that are set to turn this voter off, but two-faced hypocritical pols and their PR-printing glee clubs in the so-called 'major media' are pretty much top of the list.

Telegraph - Hazel Blears, bloggers and professional politics

Guardian - Nihilistic new media

Oh, dearie me.

What's the world coming to when a senior, respected Labour Minister comes to CiF on an outing for a bit of moral support and endorsement for one of their latest wheezes, and ends up being dissed by pretty much the whole crew.

You know what might be good, if not called for? Change.

From I have pegged. But I still I wish I knew to what.

But it's good to have a starting point in mind.

Indy - The Big Question: Is Hazel Blears right to accuse political bloggers of undermining democracy?

"Bloggers are not professional journalists and, often unedited and untrained, can be misleading."

"Is Hazel Blears right to accuse political bloggers of undermining democracy?"

Are the Independent and other homes of 'professional journalism', such as the BBC, who also often try on this argument, having a larf?

The edited and trained agenda-driven trash pumped out these days is not misleading (see the letter here from Sir Christopher Meyer for an example)? Give me a break.

Gaurdian - Is Hazel Blears right about the 'vicious nihilism' of the blogosphere?

Meanwhile from the 'Paranoia is knowing they are out to get you' files, a Macbethian (aka 'The Scottish Play' to those of superstitious thespian bent) tale of caution, with a bonus for any who appreciate the Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy.

After wall to wall US 'news' up to and including today, to the exclusion of all else, I had cause to ponder on the BBC Newsnight blog today what else might get a mention, such as Glenrothes.

Seems special 'House Rules are in effect during Polling Days', meaning such discussion ist verboten. Hence my asking the national broadcaster for news about my country gets bounced. The people of Glenrothes must be wondering what their licence fee is for, if information beyond what they are fed on the day about their wee election matters.

So... nothing discussed that isn't fancied before, can't during, and only the possibility of passing reference afterwards, unless it works out better than expected, in which case it will doubtless be top of the news for days.

Where's a Vogon Constructor Fleet when you need one?

I'd say what is being discussed above is already here, with the enthusiastic support of some media who seem to have already decided where their loyalties lie.

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