
Banana Rep... Community

Bent bananas not a Euro-myth after all

Like Arthur Dent in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, I know I am partly to blame. I should always try and storm the official building to get to the locked filing cabinet and check for myself, but... life is too short.

And I used to presume those who claimed to act in my interests, from local pols to national media, could and would do so on my behalf, and serve it up in a way I could understand, and respond to appropriately.

I recognise many of those counters you cite, and in fact think most were issued either by or on our dear national broadcaster.

So how, in the name of all that is professional reporting, could a clear as day FACT, in print, be 'debated away' so successfully for so long, he asks, rhetorically.

Probably in the same way the new FACT will be spun, in the same manner.

Is there anyone competent, or ethical left in the politico-media establishment, or have they all been bought by some form of career or financial patronage? In fact, are they all ... bent? If so, they can go and get it.

Substitute one word in the common phrase, and you have: 'If, eventually, all we have are those who specify the shape of beans, once the last bean maker collapses under the burden of carrying them, we will have no beans... and starve'.

Call it taking the myth.

Gaurdian - EU bends the rules on cucumbers

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