
Double-edged knives

Small band of bigots

As the BNP hopefully slides back into the minor, if cautionary niche such organisations will always occupy, I was watching a documentary last night on Night of the Long Knives, and the part it played in cementing Hitler's power base by crushing the SA, which was deemed a tad too extreme even for most Nazis jockeying for control over the masses.

What most struck me was the highly effective part played by the state media, who explained it all away to the evident satisfaction of the public, who got seduced into being rather too comfortable being told what to think by a government/media 'elite' (not sure if they had to pay a fee for it in 1934, mind). Didn't work out so well, as I recall.

Let's see how well history unfolds this time. Knives can have two edges.

Telegraph - Hitler's BNP membership gets leaked

Newsnight - see if I get 'moderated' or not - so far... yes. I'm sure it's the link to a dodgy YouTube. Yes, that'll be it.

BBBC - A well-considered comment in reply to another -

'it is to this country's immense credit that facism has never established a foothold here.'

Let’s see, off the top of my head we have:

a) Increasing rule by an un-elected and unaccountable political class

b) Unwanted and un-voted for social engineering on a nation wide scale

c) All criticism of said unwanted and un-voted for social engineering publicly suppressed

d) A politicised police force

e) Surveillance cameras everywhere

f) Id cards on their way

g) State indoctrination in schools

h) Relentless state propaganda on the state run media

i) Officially state sanctioned discrimination (so called ‘positive’ discrimination against the native population)

j) And now a campaign of intimidation against a legal party.

It may not be fascism, but it sure aint anything approaching a healthy democracy either.
In fact it's a profoundly unhealthy status quo none of us should be willing to accept any longer.

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