
Numbers games

Brown is not after economic recovery, he's after votes

I am not as well versed as many... most... in the fine details of economics and financial prudence but it's all getting very hard to comprehend.

On a national scale the logic seems to be to 'help' by borrowing lots more. From whom? Everyone seems to be borrowing from everyone else. I 'know' (because Mr. Brown and the BBC tells me) it's all America's fault, but are Messrs Brown and Obama simply borrowing from each other?

And, having borrowed, a few minor twiddles are trumpeted that seem to be based on the public going out and blowing what little they have left or saved 'to stimulate things'.

Meanwhile I learn that in my county, Herefordshire, the number of 'public sector workers' numbers 1 in 5.

Is me popping down to Argos with my VAT refund to splurge on Xmas tat supposed to pay for them? And my kids their pensions?

Telegraph - Pre-Budget Report: Alistair Darling must cut whole state, not just tax pennies

Telegraph - Public sector makes up two thirds of extra jobs

Newsnight -

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