
From the Editor's desk...

What editors should be talking about today

Maybe I see a different set of priorities.

Objectivity over agenda.
Reporting over commentary.
Ratings over professional standards.
Finding out and confirming rather than passing off what you've been told.
Regaining trust and credibility.

First. Or...

'What we need to do is find out how we can use the new media tools to take journalism on to a new stage.'

Just a thought.

Express blurbs beggar belief

Always intrigued by the professional courtesy 'code' often referred to but equally often broken as suits within the MSM.

And there is a concern when, more and more often, the purveyors of our 'news' seem to be keener on making it than reporting it. Talking about each other is of course inevitable in a media blog, but picking fights seems, well, unseemly. At least to this mildly interested observer.

I clicked because I wondered from the headline if the independent ratings system - ABC? - seemed to have fallen down.

But no. What I do read is that '..the Express "put on thousands of readers during October.' and told its readers that.

However, 'To be precise, it recorded 3,000 more sales than in September '.

How is this first statement 'economical with the truth'?

I fly no flag for the Express at all, but I don't see any inaccuracy.

And as a writer, especially one in the rather colourful world of ad copy, 'going from strength to strength' could mean anything, and not necessarily in numbers. For sure, the year on year figures are less to shout about, but I do understand the industry as a whole is suffering.

As a matter of interest, what are the figures in comparison with this fine publication?

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