
Aunty, sorry. F*ck Off


Just watched the Andrew Marr show, with a clearly tired and emotional Ruby Wax telling us everything she thinks with near zero moderation, followed by a clearly reality-isolated DG telling me what I think and want.

The final nails in the coffin, though the digging still continues.

I am canceling my licence fee DD on Monday and will review later actions as they transpire.

If the plot has so totally been lost, I fear further funding of this clearly blighted entity in ways I cannot endorse, in support of self and supporters, is not a productive use of my scarce personal funds.

Telegraph - The Morning Post

Independent - Radio silence at the BBC - Who approved the notorious Brand broadcast? The BBC won't say. Is that because no one did?
Indy - Out of the blue: Trouble at the BBC
Indy - Joan Smith: Only the most desperate man would use a woman as a weapon
Indy - Editor-At-Large: The BBC is the biggest joke of all. Bring back Brand
Indy comments

Gaurdian - We were wrong, but the BBC must always dare to be original
Gaurdian - BBC rapped over Brand a year ago
Gaurdian - The week that Britain's culture wars broke out
Gaurdian - The BBC has let its friends down with this bungled response
Gaurdian - How little Britain found its voice

Dear Mr. Mitchell,
You are a very talented, funny entertainer. Thank you.
But... don't give up the evening job.
ps: Don't worry. Just because I now have to find your personal opinions to put you squarely in the selective GIGO/'some are more celeb equal than others' chatterati clan, I still will enjoy your professional outings as a comic performer worthwhile if they continue as they have.

Gaurdian - Don't let politicians destroy the unique value of the BBC

If, as AA Gill would I am sure approve, I may call you Mr. Hunt, may I respectfully disagree.

That we are still reading hugely selective tripe being shared as journalism when so many key facts have emerged (and still might), plus some frankly outstanding justifications from and in a liberal organ (he said a medical word, mummy!) is depressing, especially when many key aspects have also been published here (check back a few days in this very paper on Ms. Douglas' actual role).

As to 'isolated', I have not long watched the Andrew Marr show, with a clearly tired and emotional Ruby Wax telling us everything she thinks with near zero moderation, followed by a clearly reality-isolated DG telling me what I think and want. Not the best way to help me make my mind up.

The final nails in the coffin, though the digging still continues.

I am canceling my licence fee DD on Monday and will review later actions as they transpire.

If the plot has so totally been lost, I fear further funding of this clearly blighted entity in ways I cannot endorse, in support of self and supporters, is not a productive use of my scarce personal funds.

I have also complained, and not at the behest of the Daily Mail (apologies to deny that line of rebuttal), but my other actions are because this 'system' is a proven farce, as is the Trust.

I may even try my MP or other political avenues as they are also involved in the accountability/responsibility systems around an entity I co-fund with little choice or say.

Sorry about that. If you disagree, you can always vote for those who share your views. Assuming that system still operates come the time. And the BBC is one of those who can share the blame for this, too.

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