
Who puts the lame into blame?

Newsnight - Credit Crunch: The Trial

What a hoot!

Ain't blame grand?

Without effective accountability in almost any area involved (the banks, regulators and those who told all to 'carry on' until they couldn't any more), I am a tad unsure as to the value of this exercise except to fill a programme hour... oh, ok.

From what I am reading there are a few who may have fallen on some swords, but they already seem rather comfy, ermine coated ones to be of much deterrent effect.

Equally, having hoovered up a few trillion of your and my £s to keep on doing what they do naturally, I remain unsure that a one year hiatus on bonuses will really bite too hard, especially as it seems it is not my government's job to get too intrusive in how it's all 'handled' once the dust settles.

However, at least we have bought a few % better ratings and global status points for some, which is nice.

As to good value... not so sure.

If you do get a talking head on, do try and get at least a few pertinent questions answered, and preferably without defaulting to 'it only just happened, it's a global problem.. and the last decade doesn't count'.

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