
Three Men in a Boat. And Aunty

If Mr. Osborne decided to fry his career and drop his party in the fire over an illegal £50k bung from a dodgy Russian he deserves all he gets.

However, before I try and figure out what else is going on 'out there' from between the lines of the rest of the ratings-chasing Westminster Village Useful Idiot media, with a national audience now well-primed by a certain national broadcaster, I so far have this from BBC Breakfast News:

The 'evidence', as outlined by a single wheeled-in studio 'expert' of uncertain objectivity: A bloke says another bloke asked another bloke in his hearing for an illegal donation... that did not transpire and hence serve anyone's interests... whilst they were all on a boat. And he has... a 'witness' (two against one=proof? In this murky world?). The second bloke denies this. That, so far, is it... what 'might' have happened is about as loose as it gets, and what didn't happen is in no doubt. This is NEWS???

Meanwhile, on possibly the same boat, a bloke in power and a current position of influence has conversations with a bloke... whose business interests (and hence incentive to take sides) end up gaining from the very outfit employing this first powerful person at the time.

Meanwhile, I am unsure on which dinghy half of Labour met Bernie E all that time ago, but I am sure the BBC will not find this of relevance either.

I am disgusted with the way ALL our media is trying to shape our mindsets in such a crass ratings or agenda-driven partisan manner, free of any hint of journalistic ethics or editorial objectivity.

But at least I can surf between them and drop those I don't rate, and certainly not support them with my money (bar a few extra visitor clicks).

I don't appear to have this option with the largest, and most pervasive of all. Why?

At the moment Mr. Osborne would appear to the chatterati to be at best a good excuse for a headline or at worst Sarah Palin's secret boyfriend.

As with a load of others Mr. Osbourne's judgement in a 'perceptions' era is pretty suspect and he is paying the consequences, but that these others are getting a free pass while he does is nothing sort of gob-smacking.

My life seems in the control of an unelected, unaccountable media elite (one of which I am forced to fund) that is itself out of control, and I am seeing the rather flawed 'but it's the best we have' concept of democracy being eroded in front of my very eyes as a consequence.

At least I can, for now, vote (no idea who FOR, but 'ENABL' (Enough, Now; Anything But Labour) is a cert for who NOT) out a shambles of a government, but tell me please how I have a say that counts in what happens to their state PR department?

Forget the bad joke that is Newswatch. Forget cookie-cutter issuing Complaints. Forget the most mis-named entity in the world: the Trust. And all the other options I have seen suggested are either the actual entity the BBC supports, or is beholden to them.

And no, I don't fancy not paying the fee... yet. It's illegal and gets me a fine or record, which I can't afford.

Newsnight - another friggin' 'gate' to chew on

Telegraph - Safe holiday destinations: a users-guide for Tory MPs

Indy - Exclusive (apparently): Osborne fights for political life

Gaurdian - Three men in a boat (to say nothing of the media mogul)

Guardian - The Corfu set

BBC - Duelling gentlemen

'The Tory party have been encouraging Tory newspapers and others, including the BBC – and we have resisted it so far – to make a lot of Peter Mandelson’s stay on a Russian billionaire’s yacht'

Have 'we' indeed?

Never mind, Mr. Robinson, for those suggesting the current 'day-job' is proving a trial, I just saw a re-run of 'Have I Got News For You'.

You can just sit there and get paid... and make fun* of others! And it's still on Aunty's dime.


*Though you do have to speak. And be funny.

Indy - What possessed Osborne to pick a fight with Mandelson?

Much as I can see how this little spat can amuse and give fuel the Usual Useful Westminster Village Idiots, does anyone else share my concern that a senior member of government revels in, and is lauded for his ability to mount spiteful campaigns to 'deal' with upstarts in the slime pit he inhabits?

Today's Indy cartoon is rare in pointing this out, and excellent in this regard.

But it's no way to run a country, and encourage it to be run...IMHO.

Indy - A full investigation is the last thing the Government needs

"This is a very serious matter," he said, "and I hope it is investigated by the authorities" - the PM's spokesman was entirely at a loss to explain this. Legally there's nothing to investigate. Even the "serious matter" was in doubt. What were the allegations?

And this... is who is in charge of my country? I will be interested in how many other major media note this latest example of 'inastatesmanship'.

Spectator - Osborne Stumbles: But Is There A Bigger Story About Mandelson?

Mail - While the BBC's knives are out for Osborne, Mandy is getting away with murder

Telegraph - George Osborne affair: the triumph of venal politics...

...added and abetted by some of us scurrilous denizens of the blogosphere...

I would like to take this opportunity to applaud many noble members of the blogosphere for taking to task most Westminster Village Useful Idiot gossip and tripe and suggesting a few paid, 'professional' members of the 4th estate stop telling us 'wot they 'fink' about what might or might not be, and get back to a bit of, oh, I don't know, non-partisan, ratings-driven, journalism based on what is, backed by facts.

The Editors - Storm over Corfu

At risk of being accused of not offering a skilled argument, I have read this 'justification' whilst watching the stern of a horse in a field over yonder, and what has just poured forth from the latter will at least serve the rhubarb, if not comparing in volume and aroma.

I look forward to a minion being shipped in to Newswatch at dawn to read it out again to Mrs. Noddy.

Telegraph - The BBC defends its hounding of George Osborne

Telegraph - Doesn't 'Yachtgate' give you that sinking feeling? - Plus tense: sunk

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