
What's worse (or more interesting) than being 'moderated'

Nothing to be proud of (mind you, for the 'reasons', mostly not given, I am not so sure), but I get 'moderated' every so often.

Usually I take it with poor grace and move on.

However, I seem to have hit on a new phenomenon: 'Comment Erased'. As in didn't, doesn't and won't, at least as far as the publication goes, exist at all... ever.

It's bit like those photos of the Politburo on May Day, with some dude Tippexed out.

Look at the time and date above: Oct 24 08, 11.39am.

Now have a gander at the thread I posted on: Tories talking Britain down

Scroll down to: ABasu - Oct 24 08, 11:35am, and then to the next, EuropeanOnion
Oct 24 08, 11:47am

What seems to be missing? Now I know I was 'edge of topic', but the point was/is valid, and applied to this author.

Not exactly Comment Is Free, eh?

A harbinger of things to come, I wonder?

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