
I, Objective?

McCain Steals Baby! Rocks Stones!

Tip for Newsnight: with this standard of reporting... commentary... whatever it is... you might like to consider a new theme intro to use to reflect the editorial slant being taken. I dunno... how about 'Paint it Black'?

You are supposed to be an objective UK news programme. I'd suggest the personal belief/aspiration blog output of your employees also attempts to reflect this.

Mind you, the best we could expect these days would probably be 'Brown Sugar'.

ps: I hope all (and there seem to be a lot) the BBC employees in the US enjoy the party... while it lasts

Picture Caption Addendum: See what £3.5B of Charter-controlled, Trust-managed objectivity gets you. This is on a story about UK green targets on Oct. 17 2008. Look at the date. And they have been told about it (by me) for the last 3 days.

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