
Speed thrills

Especially knee-jerk media.

BBC Breakfast is having a ball over Swindon Council deciding to reassign funds away from speed cameras.

A speed camera can't detect and address bad and/or dangerous driving, such as a truck 3' from your back bumper.

Spend the money on sensible policing of the law and safety; not a device that makes money from those few unaware of what covers a 100m stretch.

I am unsure wheeling out an array of distraught Mums of victims is serving the issue well.

Gaurdian - Should speed cameras go?

We have a dual carriageway near here that has two 120mph stretches with a 50mph bit in the middle. Meanwhile my kids walk home in a 30mph zone where 60mph is more the norm. It's a solution only a box-ticker could love.

And if they are not to generate revenue, why do they not have the correct speed on them?

Gaurdian - The end of the road for speed cameras?

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