
Prudently irresponsible?

The age of irresponsibility: when did it start? Discuss

At risk of awakening the ire of the creationists and their detractors, I'd say that in a human sense it was about when that bloke and his bird didn't pay attention to some good advice from upon high in their choice five a day.

Or when Ug ignored 'Elfin safety and tried to tackle a Mammoth crossing without a high vis.

Politically, I'm guessing, roughly... about... when if you got power but no effective accountability whatsoever. Plus kept the pay and pensions despite doing over all you (were supposed to) serve.

Yep. That's about when I think it happened.

Newsnight - A New Bretton Woods? Where is Keynes? Where is Dexter White?

I do confess that most of my education on the mechanisms and machinations of the banking profession comes at the hands of 'Alex' in the Telegraph.

Like 'Yes, (Prime) Minister' it used to seem an amusing fiction.

Other than our cheery PM (Hor! Another bank's gorn t*ts up on my watch... hor!) and his media 'Village people' cheeryleaders who dote on his every sprinkle of fairy dust (Look... the new cut of the jib, the quality of the cloth, the deftness of the riposte... the steeliness of the eye glint..), I am unsure who is still laughing, mind.

Feel free to mention that next time he swings by to be interviewed... oh, yeah, right. It's just US aspiring VPs who we take to task for not doing that.

Indy - Leading article: A clarification -

Imagine if it was not off the cuff, but staged?

Here's one...

Qu: 'What's the difference between the current UK government and too many in the media establishment divorced from the real world?'

Ans: 'Nothing!'

No, it's not funny either.

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