
I may not agree with what you say, so will get some folk to bang you up

Sooner or later this was going to happen

A blog I am on has raised a current issue for free speech

“If you believe in free speech then you believe in free speech.”

"Surely haulocaust denial is the thin end of that wedge"

"Please note that there is a world of difference between being offended by something... and demanding that it be made a criminal offence."

I have to say that I am with the bold (typographically) commenter on this one, and am grateful for his link share to EU Referendum, which is a worthy analysis, especially with its critique of the 'selective application' of some politicians who have come up against the consequence of multiple standards.

Just like such as being 'a little bit pregnant', whilst often problematic there are some things are pretty much 'all or nothing' to stand or fall.

And exceptions to rules can open cans of worms. Ask any parent.

For now, if someone offers the view that the Holocaust never happened, I will treat that statement with the respect I feel it deserves. I may even be so moved to articulate my right to disagree... with my view.

If they move to another level of belief, beyond words, then that is another matter, and I believe laws exist to address and, in theory cope with that.

So I am not sure there is not a more pervasive, and insidious sliver of a very fat wedge at play, and it is from those who seem to be suggesting that 'Ah, but this is different; I don't like it, so it must be banned'.

I do hope it's OK, for now, for me to believe that.

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