
More from the Brownstuffed

When the mine falls in on Gordon, he'll be quite happy

Oh, heavens.

The fate of my family and country is in the hands of Gordon 'Look at me, Ma, Top of the World!' Brown, and his Village useful idiot cheerleaders.

Super (no hero).

Times - If this is a triumph, I'd hate to see a disaster

Guardian - Brown gets room to breathe, not to boast - Not the piece, as they are now jokes; the comments: they are not laughing.

What the heck is going on? There is such a disconnect between what is, and is being portrayed, successfully, that Labour must have had a seance and dredged up Josef Goebbels somehow. Now who does he remind you of again? 'You just came and you took without giving... oh..'

Gaurdian - Banking rescue: Is this Brown's finest hour?

I just got an Xmas tat gadget brochure.

Every useless item headlined 'Could this be...?"

No, I ain't buying.

ps: If the best 'defence' Josef's new squad has is 'but think of what may replace him?', I'll take my chances.

Somone using the ship of state like The Titanic in an iceberg-filled dodgems (cheered on by the 1st class Village useful idiots already in the few lifeboats) is getting rather stressful.

Telegraph - Gordon Brown's most cretinous comment ever

Guardian - Northern Rock - nobody negligent

Bodes well for a certain heroic taxpayer's representative's offer to pad out the shark set's coffers still further by sickin' 'em on any miscreants from the latest bail-out.

Telegraph - Gordon Brown: After saving the EU, the world?

Or... not?

Indy - Game on: Brown recovery cuts Tory lead to single figures

Note to those inside the Westminster Useful Village Idiot bubble from one without, and suffering the consequences of too many playing with our futures as if it is:

'It is NOT a game'.

Just got my latest gas bill, too.

Guardian - Should Gordon Brown quit while he's ahead?

Please define 'ahead' in a way someone outside the Westminster Village Useful Idiot bubble may get to grips with.

Ch4 - Brown wades into Rock row

Indy - Experience can be too much of a good thing

'Gordon Brown is now a global superhero'

I must say that he, and those who buy into that, must be on a different globe.

Indy - Game on: Brown recovery cuts Tory lead to single figures

My comment:

'Note to those inside the Westminster Useful Village Idiot bubble from one without, and suffering the consequences of too many playing with our futures as if it is:

'It is NOT a game'.'

...has been challenged.

'A good lawyer will tell you to treat any serious case as if it were a game. When the stakes are high the last thing you want a government to do is freeze with fear like a rabbit in the car headlights. It's a game but a very serious game and you are a pawn in it.'

Well I have to say that with a Parliament packed with lawyers of various degrees of competence, I am unsure if where we find ourselves as a consequence makes it a very good thing to still be playing ball on a pitch chosen by the mindset of such a profession.

You are of course right when you say '... the last thing you want a government to do is freeze with fear...'. No evidence of that at almost any turn, then.

My concern is the 'game' played within a small chamber where a witty retort or a gambit that serves more to confound your opponents is given acres of excited coverage by those within the media bubble morning, noon and night. But too often at the expense of anything remotely that explains, engages or persuades with this pawn, who can still, for now, opt to not buy a paper, switch off a TV show and decide where is 'x' goes come voting time. Well, for now.

Telegraph - Why should I pay for MPs to have a comfortable retirement?

Gaurdian - Don't cut public pensions - Another view from another place. I'm sensing the 'taxes go up OR services go down' twofer is going to play louder than the third option.


As I have resigned myself to nothing about the UK cropping up any time soon I popped across to a blog by one Nick Robinson, and got to this...

'...What's more, Gordon Brown, fresh from taking the plaudits for saving the world's financial system, is busy laying a new trap for the Tories. He's pledging to carry on spending and borrowing in the downturn...'

Plus a few hundred comments.

At which point I wondered if he was actually laying it out, heavy with irony, for the audience as we are all too thick, or whether it really is better to lay traps and stuff for the opposition and get the glee club cheering rather than help the country get back on an even keel.

Hard to tell these days.

Guardian - Brown's dreams and reality: a poll apart

Well, golly. And that's a fact.

But really... Brown's dreams and reality????!

Too much to hope some from the Westminster Useful Village Idiot cheerleading troupe might have a wee gander in the mirror now?

I sure as heck am dreading the calibre of choices by way of alternatives, but PM Queeg and his merry crew in the Titanic Ice Dodgems Party have shown a level of ability on top of a past record that has me gagging for another category on my voting form to 'NOTA' (None Of The Above): 'ENABL' (Enough Now, Anyone But Labour)

Telegraph - Is this Gordon Brown's dead cat bounce?

Telegraph - Gordon Brown, not Iceland, acted like a terrorist

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