
A Republican ate my hamster!

Well, she had a crew cut, so I am sure she was one. Hard to tell, but you get a nose for these things...

Vandalising the Obamamobile

No, dude, this is, like, serious. And well worth a story in the Guardian. And I empathise. Let's think this one through...

Might have been Wolfie Smith still on a bender, a wee bittie out of his Sarf London 'hood (head West and keep on going beyond parody) and just lashing out in case it was a Bullingdon Club member's sweet ride.

I once had a 10 year old Mini keyed by someone I presume upset that they either only had an 11 year old Mini or... no car at all.

But they made it look like it was to save the trees as it was sort of in the shape of a 'T', or maybe they thought I was a Mrs. T supporter.

Or is 'eco' all like, sooo last week now?

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