
Is it just me?

Should never say that, but is our swelling media commentariat getting just a tad silly as it seeks to justify its, er, role...

Which political figures did David Cameron mention in his speech?
Should we read anything into the fact that those in top jobs like Dominic Grieve and Caroline Spelman failed to get a mention from their leader?

I'd say not.

And some people need to get out more.

As if their jobs depended on it.

As Churchill once said: 'As I forgot to mention them in the last speech, I'd also like to thank the army, navy, coastguard, land girls and those plucky arms factor workers, etc, without whom, of course, as well, ever in the field...'

Meanwhile, back at another post:

Tory conference: media irritation

Anything that 'irritates' what passes for our current 'professional' media, its denizens and their over-inflated sense of worth gets my vote.

Well, nudges me in that direction, anyway. Keep up the good work.


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