

An open-ended post (trust me)....

The Register - Top-slicing the Beeb: Clueless execs get busy - And this great quote:

'Some quangos, like jellyfish, seem to be able to reproduce asexually. It's what they live to do. What this means is that without any contact, parthenogenesis occurs and they simply spawn off a little version of themselves, which may grow as large as its parent.'

The TaxPayers Alliance - Quangos: The Unseen Government of the UK - a must read

The Times - It could be you – if you’re a lottery quango

Telegraph - George Osborne, look again - there are quangos in that cupboard

I clicked on this because I have a certain disquiet regarding the purpose, activities, expenditure, ROI, accountability and, in too many cross-political quarters, odd appeal of many quangos.

Then I read on. Including the comments. Funny what pops up.

Telegraph - Financial crisis: quangos want even more money
Pay packets to pad. Perks to secure. Bonuses to re-designate. Pensions to index link.
Oh, and voting blocs to secure.
Ain't democracy grand?

Telegraph - Time to wind up the Equality and Human Rights Commission


I have noted a piece in The Sun that quotes one Gordon Brown in 1995, promising 'a bonfire of quangos'.

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