
What 'is'. What really 'is', What 'should be'. And who says.

There's a terrible disconnect in the world of luvviedom, especially that over-powerful section that is 'our' major media, but sparsely-populated (in % terms, though they do seem to be growing as the search for ever more 'content' widens) establishment.

After way too long having what a small minority think should be being pretty much the accepted 'is' of life, it's all going more than a little pear shaped, fortunately for the of the the up to now silent majority... for them.

Now I am the first to acknowledge and appreciate the vast intellects and talents that can be deployed across our news and entertainment media, but there seems to be a significant watershed being reached, where before, just because they think it is so, they must say it is so (still very much their right, of course), and hence it must be and hence needs to be so.

Sadly, for them, on this latter point, I must humbly disagree. And the facts I think are erring on my side more and more.

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