
Charity begins... well... let's start with a plane ride...

Another charity Chief Exec (I'm pretty sure flying coach and eating at Burger King - not very 'buzzy' to catch up with the gels in the Big Apple, I'm sure - won't be part of this... 'event') not exactly getting my name on the donation form:

Gordon Brown can make dramatic change for world’s poorest children

Wish he'd make a start with a couple closer to home.

Don't know why, but getting to this made me feel reluctant to take much else being written with any more than a pinch of self-satisfied, 'Mistress of the Universe', 'I'm all right, Jill', 'We need to pay these rates to get the talent' salt (on offer at twice the price of last year in the country's favourite discounter):

'I leave today for New York, for The United Nations High Level meeting..'

Thing is, while I have sympathy for the message, the chosen messenger and her style has intercepted that feeling. Like a lot of other areas of late.

Telegraph - Elle Macpherson and Sarah Ferguson on Brown Air

Telegraph - NEW - Wall Street gets $700bn so why not raise $25bn for dying children? - And a better class of fund-raiser, too! It's playing well here with, one presumes, a major target audience. I wonder what's she's paid...'because she's worth it'. Message/messenger springs to mind again. But, but... it's for... the children.

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