
He who pointeth...

I have had it suggested that Mr. Robinson is not in thrall of Labour/Mr. Brown so shall not go there.

However, this end/death of capitalism thing seems an odd one.

As far as I can see is that, within a system, a bunch of folk were either not as smart as they thought they were, greedier than even they could cope with and/or more crooked than anyone has a right to get away with so long.

And, crucially, were, and are being allowed to get away with either ineptitude or venality by a bunch of folk we pay to look after our personal and national interests. It's like blaming a crashing plane for plummeting when the pilots are all in 1st class swigging bubbly with their mates who are busy siphoning off the fuel to flog. Oh, and they are the only ones with parachutes.

I could really give a flying fig for anywhere else, but one bunch of clowns has had a lot of years in power to get a grip, which they have so far failed pretty much across the board to do. And now their PR cheerleaders (not all, I stress, but the big guns seem to still be 'on message', no matter how incredible it is getting) still keep straight faces, as they have with all sorts of stuff some still try and pin on Pitt the Elder, when we get some waffling pension (pol) pot emerging form their bunker to say 'it' is unacceptable, not good enough, lessons have been learned, a committee will be formed and something will... er, might...be done.

But don't expect a single person anywhere being held to account, in business or public service. Ever.

Guardian - The financial sector just bombed itself. Is this the end of capitalism?

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