
Getting a gripped


In addition to exposing the woeful state of journalism, editorial and communication abilities we are being served up these days, what a neat mindset example of how our supposedly intelligent, considered and objective media act, more worryingly think, and even more jaw-droppingly think they act.

At least this time we have a poster to thank for having a clue as to what the heck got changed. Usually the howler gets changed retroactively leaving those that have pointed it out to be left hanging.

And then there is another to point out that what 'news' that is spun to 'grip' us is more often down to the agenda and ratings interests of an isolated media minority than any reflection of public interest.

Here's a little news flash for the 4th estate... get back to finding real news and simply reporting on it. Not trying to make it up and then hyping to suit.

I want the facts, not what you think, and certainly not what you (or your PR mates) have decided I need to think.

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