
Still smells to me

I must say if our new political classless are 'getting it' at last, they have a darn funny way of articulating it.

Just watched a Minister pay homage to ex-Speaker Martin, 'who showed just what a person he was by his noble deeds for the sake of the country', or some such horse manure.

I don't think his tongue was in his cheek.

Which part of presiding over a decade of abuses, trying to cover everything up and clinging on by his fingertips until prized loose by his equally tush-concerned mate Gordon, all in trying to score one last, wafer-thin £130k, factored into this quaint notion?

I also find this latest 'gentleman's club' thing rather clever... for a politician of a certain hue, if not for any in theory objective media that go along with it.

Beyond being merely interested in what the actual balance of 'toffs' across all parties might be, as I have found some sport in whispering in the ear of Aunty's sisterhood, another might be to ask whether there are no female public schools (or at least that churn out anyone with a serious career), as this is the impression that seems to be created... with help from their male counterparts at almost every turn.

And I have yet to have explained how 'voting' in the next overseer, albeit in 'secret', by the very clowns who have a vested interest in who oversees them, is something that the public needs not to be troubled with.

Other than funding it, of course.


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