
Eminence grease

I do believe ex-mayor Livingstone has something on Andrew Marr.

I have just coined another acronym GOing Through ThE Motions (GOTTEM)

A very 'civilised' interview with ex-mayor Ken Livingstone just now.

However, I was a little surprised that Andrew did not pick his interviewee up more on the related issues of delegation, deputising and responsibilities.

I do believe that under the previous administration there might have been more tangible, as opposed to alluded to, examples of dubious practices amongst senior subordinates. It's a shame these were not raised to remind all concerned.

Also, as experience with Gordon Brown seems to be showing, the CEO trying to be on top of and/or doing everything isn't the smartest move. Perhaps building competent teams, leading from the top, staying hands off (but maintaining a watching brief) might be worth a shot?

I am sure Gerry Robinson would agree.

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