
Positive discrim... spin

Seems our government is thrashing about again, and our national broadcaster is well on board. To summarise a piece on 'positive discrimination' seems an amazing attempt at sticking oars in that would seem almost unworkable, we have suggested in conclusion:

'Labour wants to craft a fairer society'.

Quite a statement. Which is how it came across. I have written to ask if that was drafted elsewhere and just read out, or generated from within the BBC who already have the necessary officers in place to comply, be seen to comply and tell all and sundry that the are complying?

Especially for what appears yet another piece of misguided, intrusive, and ultimately pointless and doomed policy floating more for spin than substance, by an increasingly desperate, meddle-addicted government.

Why do I sense the only thing that will happen is a ton more jobsworths are created, a bunch of relative innocents hung out to dry and the vast majority sail on by simply working around the system?

Guardian - Not all women want to run the firm - I might also add that if this is the calibre of input we are getting from our accelerated sisterhood, it might not be all it's cracked up to be simply on plain evidence of our own eyes.

BBC - Law 'will ban age discrimination' - If not, in my experience, actually prevent it.
BBC - Harman pushes discrimination plan
Telegraph - Equality Bill: Labour's latest attempt at social engineering

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