
Losing it

As has the BBC, I have just 'learned', that the civil servant involved in the latest data loss scandal has been suspended, but it would seem to appear (at least as presented) that this is only after Prime Minister Brown 'intervened'.

Now I can see why he needs to know about such stuff, but worry about the sensible running of the country if no hiring or firing decision in government seems possible without his say-so. Or at least until his spinners get a crack at telling the BBC to lay it all at his door first.

What on earth are the various ministers and/or departmental actually for then, save plotting and briefing media mates off record?

The irony is that this 'PM takes charge' scoop actually doesn't make me think at all well of the organisational set-up at all.

No one person can micro-manage to this level, and if they try to the exclusion of any devolved responsibility, it's no wonder that systems are shoddy and cock-ups inevitable.

Indy - He had one chance to take risks. But Brown has wasted it with this macho posturing

Indy - Loyalists belittled by opportunism and argument

From such as this situation to my utter confusion as to the role of the 'whip' in 'telling' my MP how to vote, I have never been so disillusioned as to what the point of voting for anything or anyone is, if one's beliefs and conscience can be traded so easily in this manner.

Guardian - A pyrrhic victory doomed to pitiful defeat

Guardian - A shaming victory

Gaurdian - Pork-barrel Brown - Not quite the result he wanted?

Gaurdian - Liberty sacrificed to politics

I would have posted on the Guardian, but typically with their 'new', 'improved' system, it won't let me any more:(

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