
Celebrity/Cabinet Recall Afterwards Preservation site

Or CCRAP site. Inspired by:

Order Order

378. Mr Ned says:
June 5, 2009 at 11:08 am

He was on the BBC today saying Gordon Brown is the best thing since sliced bread. With judgement like that at the helm,

I think there is a case for a sidebar, separate site or whatever, just logging the various ‘great, good and all round goofy’ who seem to think going on record as saying stuff like that in what have seemed/seems a good idea then/now, and then available to call up in evidence from their own mouths in the future when been interviewed of judged for office, etc.

A bit like a FaceBook picture, six sheets to the wind, mooning a nun at the office party. Only a tad more damning as booze cannot be used as mitigation for such howlingly poor judgement.

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