
Led by asses' asses

Shuffleboard on the Titanic. Bless.

I presume we elect, and pay a 'government of all the talents' to... er... lead?

Much as this farrago is providing ratings all round, it is hard to see it serving this country's best interests much.

In light of the military analogies abounding as the D-Day planning has gone about as well as any other of late, as a poor grunt in the trenches, it is hardly encouraging that our political classes, and especially those 'in charge', seem unable to do much other than juggling pulling their own pins, fragging the one next to them or sniping their own side.

So my morale is... suffering a tad. Especially to find myself an unwilling passenger on a Kamikaze mission, and especially when finding the flight crew have ransacked the rest of the cabin for all the golden parachutes and are bailing out as we head for oblivion.
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ps: and it is a tad galling to note the Observer corps in their barrage balloons gleefully happy to see which way the wind blows so they can gently land in the warm, privileged access embrace of the 'victors' (or, at least, lesser losers) to give it a few months settling in together until the whole sorry cosy circus kicks off again in another guise.

You know, I feel disinclined to go along this time. Out, and for a lot more than a blooming duck. The whole sorry publicly, and too often uniquely-funded shebang.

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