
Plot loss #101

I just watched Mark Thompson on BBC's Newswatch (the few minutes each week they devote at 7.50am on a weekend to atone for cock-ups over 24/7 programming, especially at priem time).

I have been moved to write:

I have just watched this morning's Newswatch.

So, instead of any detail sharing, answering and addressing all the serious issues of reporting, editorial decisions and diverting money from quality news and programming to tat and bonusses, we get the entire story devoted to a smug senior guy from the classic 'BBC in a blazer' tossing us a bone ('maybe there are too many tricksy graphics!!!!') but then essentially dismissing a few easy serves with the usual 'well, I don't think so... and anyway now it is better'. Heavens above, I even heard the derided 'we should learn from...' platitude over/misused by our political classes gaily wheeled out. Plus the outstanding arrogance of telling the 'public' what we are telling them, when by any measure the accolades claimed must be coming from pretty selective sources. A few minutes a week meant for some introspection and we get a party political broadcast for keeping the gravy train running...because, frankly, what can the public really DO about it.

Good try Ray, but... beyond parody.

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