
Saturday - BBC Breakfast 'News' - A review

I have PIP on my PC and watch the 'news' as I work in the morning (two licence fees?). If I forget the night before to reset the satellite it seems to default to BBC.

Just watched Click, and very useful it was, too. Also looking forward to the Newswatch Mea Never Culpa with Uncle Ray and sulky guy in a blue shirt and brown blazer. If only to see whether they don't mention my complaint again.

However, the rest was... is, so far a trial.

Action Man - some lady from some funded 'charity' saying our kids will grow up psychos 'cos the MoD is letting Mattel trot out an upgraded soldier doll. Charlie State (who I actually think can ask some nifty questions at times) says 'he wasn't allowed one'. Probably on his CV and why he sailed through the job app. I had four. Spent all day in the garden digging trenches and making combat vehicles out of Meccano. But I wonder if Click will mention Call of Duty 4, where my kids now blow guys up on TV as opposed to with dolls. Much better now, I'm sure. At least I drew the line at Grand Theft Auto.

Michelle Obama - at some school with a mic reading a piece of paper to a carefully selected audience. Tears in her eyes. Mine too.

Jade - I think the coverage so far today should get some kind of an award, and the 'reporter' a pay rise for keeping a straight face.

Starvation - another charity has another bit of research, where people with 60" HD TVs can't afford healthy food for their kids, doubtless to deliver through the railings as schools force the little loves to eat lard-flavoured crisps.

Obama - he. is. the Big 'O"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw his speech yesterday, and can't deny the skill of the stage-managed oratory. But where are the legitimate questions on substance? This is not E! It's meant to be political news.

As comedy, with a hint of tragedy, it is almost worth it. Almost.

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