
Closed for comments - the new censorship?

Why do they bother?

I went back several to see where one can wish him well... all now closed.

Au revoir

You gotta feel for the guy. I think the other day he and Paul Mason had to get up at 5am!!!! And then they had trouble getting to work!!!!

Sadly, as my kids are on hols for a few weeks I will be working pretty much the whole time, but Good Friday will be nice.

It would appear the entire BBC news operation is now off not expending carbon, so a good few weeks to bury bad news or let un-newsworthy things pass by.

Oddly, comments closed before they started:

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This entry is now closed for comments


Telegraph - Lefties feel threatened by the internet

On the QC...

The BBC...uh, whose money is it ? Voters can stop it, no ?
Chris long April 03, 2009 11:52 PM GMT

You'd think... hope. But I have much more chance of serving notice for dire performance on my elected representative every few years than I have have had, do or will have with the state prop... broadcaster. At least I can pull my enforced funding from one via the ballot to express... concern.

For the rest... there's The Trust. You should read their latest publication, which is pretty satisfied with the way the licence fee is 'collected'.

The blogosphere must never let down its guard, as it is rapidly becoming the only source of material from which you can hope to acquire a decently informed, balanced view.

The next few weeks on Aunty will be a good time to bury or ignore news, as all their 'reporters' seem to be off on carbon-free (I'm sure) school hols.

Mr. Nick Robinson has been kind enough to share this on his blog, and doubtless needs a rest having had to get up early these last few days, and getting inconvenienced getting to work by all those beastly common folk who run events that can't tell hoi poloi from media legends.

Speaking of tools, it is interesting that one used more and more by some keen on comment being free, but some freer than others, is the 'now closed' button.

From CiF to HYS, it seems to be unleashed erratically, but often when things are not going quite according to narrative. Or even to pre-empt matters.

Mr.Robinson's latest, rather ironically, has 'closed for comment' before any can be made.

Says it all really. Or, rather, when it suits, doesn't.

BBC - Bloggers enter the lion's den -

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