
Just the facts, man

I am intrigued as to how (the why is obvious) the MSM is allowed (well, that's pretty obvious too) to get away with the odd notion that what 'they' deal in is objective truth, whilst anything from the blogosphere is gossip, tittle-tattle, etc.

Especially, and quite clearly, when it's completely the other way around.

At almost any turn, what I see from the MSM is agenda dressed up as fact, from blatant spin to the selection of deniable interviewees such as Stephen Pound who can spout whatever they feel like unchallenged.

And such as the Guardian seem to have stuck it as far back in the online section as they can, with some blogs 'closed' early when things seem to be less to their tastes. I am not betting on a BBC HYS any time soon.

One thing seemingly ignored by all these 'reporters' and 'commentators' is to what extent most, if not any of these bits of information from such as Guido are in way inaccurate which, surely, is fairly key, if in the process of being willfully obscured.

The truth hurts. Thank heavens.

Telegraph - Blogs have changed politics forever: good news for libertarians, bad news for Lefties

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