
Nanny state of play

'Is the nanny state doing us any good?'

Well, worthy advice on matters of health & safety & respect, etc are only to be welcomed, especially if they contain information we may not know, can get to grips with... and act on positively.

Which counts out most of the dross we get served up these days.

There's also the small matter of the ROI. Too many award-winning campaigns with vast production and media budgets going out with messages either way over the main targets head or in media that is more to look good to the commissioners' mates than to reach those who might benefit. With lord knows who on lord knows what P&P (package & pension) to administer, research oversee, report and run around it all).

So by also blowing a bunch of dosh that could have been applied more usefully, and tangibly, elsewhere, I'd say... no.

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