
All the news that's fit to edit

In my other life as a songwriter, I have a half-penned song from years ago called 'Edit'.

I must dig it out and finish it, as it was written a long time ago and was a rail against modern media, especially broadcast, using the edit suite to shape whatever they wanted, from simple pasting to playing with pixels to suit either personal/editorial agenda or the tyranny of the rating.

The chorus goes:

Edit, edit edit,
Cut, splice, re-arrange..
The soundbite's now all the rage.

Thanks to woeful, but woefully under-reported and prosecuted, though still blatant efforts such as the one featured here, sadly trust in media is now gone, and truth dead. Damn all who have brought us here, for whatever sorry reason they care to muster.

Telegraph - CBS News: shame on you

Telegraph - The New York Times censors John McCain - Land of the free... well, maybe not press, but...

But it's OK, two wrongs can now be twisted in some heads to make a rig.. an acceptable view as it all about the numbers.

I wonder how the ghosts of Omaha Beach feel.

Times - Why the New York Times were right to reject John McCain's article

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