
Aunty, Irony and Me

Newsnight discusses quangos

"Cut the number of unelected quangos to save money and increase accountability"

These would be entities funded by the government and paid for by us (often via supplementary fees above and beyond various tax mechanisms), but with out of control empire-building aspirations, vast property empires, huge, expanding senior executive levels on vast, self-awarded pay packages, and less than clear, in theory objective remits, but often designed mainly to serve certain narrow interests, with secret internal reviews and near total deniability at every level, who can't even be voted out every few years as one can the representatives we choose to represent us on matters of life and death in Parliament... right?

Wonder who might get mentioned?

And who, as with their funding, may remain... unique.

Does Ofcom deserve it?

I am seeing a spirited defence of OFCOM in many quarters, often quoting its officers.

Quite right if only in response to questions solicited by the media.

Ironic if part of a well funded ad/PR budget.

I can't speak for OFCOM, but in the environmental sector I have serious issues, bordering on suspicions of conflict of interest, when public money is used on quango comms budgets that drive 'targets' that in turn reward bonus structures of boards signing off on the very comms efforts driving those bonuses.

Every quango in Britain

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